The Landings Surgical Centre

Plastic Surgery Showering Instructions: Before & After Your Procedure

Jun 25, 2018 @ 12:05 PM — by The Landings Surgical Centre
Tagged with: Plastic Surgery Recovery

Proper hygiene is essential before and after you undergo surgery. It can prevent infection and improve your chances of a full and problem-free recovery. It’s one of the reasons why we offer comprehensive pre-op and post-op instructions to patients before going through with body contouring surgery and other procedures.

The team at our Halifax, NS plastic surgery center would like to go over some basic showering instructions for plastic surgery patients. This should give you a good idea of what to expect as you prepare for surgery and recover.

Instructions for Showering Before Surgery

The night before surgery and the morning before the procedure, you will want to shower thoroughly using soap and water. Remove all makeup the night before surgery before your shower, and be sure to avoid wearing any lotions, creams, or other items after showering. This will help reduce the risk of infection.

Your surgeon may instruct you to use a special antibacterial soap when showering. Be sure to follow all instructions to the letter to Haig with the pre-op process.

Avoid Showering for the First Few Days After Surgery

After your surgery has been performed, you will want to avoid taking a shower for the first 48 hours or so. This will help prevent water getting directly onto the incision sites, increasing risk of infection. Additionally, this will also help prevent the stream from the shower affecting the stability of the sutures and stitches.

Taking a Sponge Bath After Surgery

Instead of a shower, patients are instructed to take sponge baths in the early part of surgical recovery. Using lukewarm water and a washcloth, patients can clean their skin and feel refreshed. Be sure to use soap approved by your surgeon.

When taking a sponge bath, patients will be instructed to avoid cleaning the incision sites directly as this can re-open wounds and cause problems with healing. It is important to. After facial plastic surgery, be careful with washing your hair, as the slight tugging may disturb incision sites.

Post-op Showering Instructions

When you do return to showering, it’s important to follow these instructions:

When Can I Take a Bath Again?

You’ll want to avoid baths for at least two weeks after surgery. More time may be needed depending on the nature of your surgery. Be sure to ask your surgeon during your follow-up visits.

Contact The Landings Surgical Centre

For more information about proper hygiene before and after your surgery, be sure to contact a skilled cosmetic plastic surgeon. We look forward to your visit and discussing these matters in much greater detail.